Guide To Conserving Water In Your Yard Or Garden

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Water conservation techniques are becoming more and more essential in all regions, even where water seems to be plentiful. Besides simply saving money on your utility bills, being observant and efficient with water usage also helps with water pollution for regional rivers, lakes, oceans, and water basins. By diminishing the amount of water wasted, we can also lower the cost of water treatment. Here are 8 easy water conservation techniques to be used in your yard or garden.

  • Don’t use a hose to clean off patios and porches. Instead use a broom to sweep dirt and debris from these surfaces. This tip can also be used for driveways, garages, and sidewalks.
  • Water your lawn long enough so that water is able to soak down to the root system. How can you tell when you’ve reached this level? Simply put a bowl out on your lawn. When the water has filled the inside the bowl to a height of 1 inch, you’ve watered the right amount. Watering using a light sprinkle is not recommended because it allows the water to quickly evaporate and never make its way to the root system.
  • Water during the early or late parts of the day when temperatures are lower and direct sunlight is avoided. This will reduce water loss resulting from evaporation. If possible avoid watering when it is windy. Wind can speed up the evaporation process and also cause sprinklers to miss their intended targets.
  • Make sure to position your sprinklers so the water lands on the lawn or garden and not on paved areas where the water will simply run off.
  • In order to slow evaporation and runoff around trees and plants, simply add a layer of mulch. The addition of 2 inches of compost material or bark increases the soil’s ability to retain moisture, helping it reach the root system below.
  • Use efficient watering systems for shrubs, plants, and flower beds. These areas don’t require the same moisture requirements as your lawn. Where possible, install drip-irrigation systems.

Gardening Conservation

  • When washing your car, don’t let the hose run continuously. Use a bucket with soapy water, and simply use the hose for rinsing. Avoid washing your car during the middle of the day or in direct sunlight.
  • Inspect the exterior of your house for leaks in pipes, hoses, or valves. Exterior drips may not be as visible compared to their interior counterparts, but can be just as wasteful. Every month check each unit for leaks, and replace/repair as necessary.

Making water conservation activities a natural part of a home’s operations is the key to success. Parents make sure to take time to teach children the simple methods to save water. By doing so we can make a big difference. What did we miss? Share any water saving ideas that work for.


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